Rekonstrukce a přístavba ZŠ Vl. Vančury
In 2019, modifications were made to the original 2017 study. The volume of the addition was reduced and the space in front of the entrance was designed larger. The design can now be phased and the subdivisions can be implemented in stages. This may result in a building within the originally proposed scope.
The reconstruction of the school, originally forced by the disrepair of the changing rooms and pupil facilities, provides scope for completely redefining the corners of Hauptova and U Lékárny Streets and creating a new entrance to the linked buildings, including a sufficiently sized forecourt, which is now completely missing. In addition to the new changing rooms on the ground floor, new classrooms are proposed, a change in the layout of the individual spaces within the school, a new location for the auditorium in a representative location in the central bay and a new design for the gymnasium facilities and changing rooms, which are now operationally separable and can be rented separately with the gymnasium, for example.
- LocationHauptova, Praha - Zbraslav
- Investormunicipal district Praha - Zbraslav
- Year2019